F*$K THIS! (may be considered full of foul language… but I say it’s context is right on)

Image                                                                                                                             Excuse me for being brash… crude; crass, rude, un-Kosher, un-classy, and perhaps even UNACCEPTABLE…. but I am pretty sure I am not the only one, IN THIS BIG yet small World… who at times, thinks; Fuck This.

Fuck it all!  Fuck this, fuck that, and use a whiffle ball bat!

I can’t say what moments bring you to that point, but I DO know I have ’em.  I struggle.  I look at the accumulation of all that is, and see its potential to be so much more… and in the same glance I see all the hurdles and blocks that restrict the way.

I see it every day.  And some days, I feel like a champion. I love a challenge and I am ready to meet any one that may come, head on.  But some days, I just wanna say “Fuck THIS… it isn’t worth my time/energy/creativity/life force.”

It isn’t because I am lazy… but rather because everyday I wake up, I rise with the belief that “Today will be better!  Today I won’t have to give looks of confusion or redundant disbelief, because they will get IT too!  And perhaps today will be the day of harmony!  Finally we can all just get over ourselves and GET ON with Our Next Big Task.”

I get, like two minutes into my day, only to realize….uh well, today probably isn’t THAT Day.  And I know this because I am the first person I encounter in a day… and if I am not, for some reason, bliss-ed out… well chances are no one else is.

There are many philosophical discussions on perspective.  How our perspective, colors and influences the World we see and interact with it.  Cultures far older, honor a system of reflection.  The greater I AM, IS ALL and WE ARE IT, and IT IS US… and so it goes.  Perhaps no One Person is Perfect…but between the collection of our experiences, together we can create a symbiosis of Perfection through Our unique expressions and perceptions.

Anyway… along those lines,  many cultures talk about an up coming “Golden Age.”  A proverbial time many have found intriguing for the fact they feel the same aching, internally, in which says…”Fuck This.”

It doesn’t have to be rude, or mean.  It doesn’t have to even relate to laziness or cowardliness..  Rather it comes from a conclusion, which is far headier than most want to admit to.  It comes down, or rather UP to seeing a bigger picture; which quite frankly may invoke a desire to shit ones pants.

It is the acceptance of our collective nature in a Source, far more multifaceted than modern cultures and religions have given it credit for.  When the Hindus talk about having 33 million Gods in their belief… but One Absolute…  They could be very close to the Truth.  I mean if we are all made of the same star dust; and If We look at Ourselves, We see many faces of God. At that point it seems weird to have such superficial divisions.  (Except for the fact that there are have been those who wish to enslave humanity, knowingly.  And only for nefarious reasons… which we are observing and taking emotional action toward…)

Some of Us are only just now recognizing the repetitive nature of existence.   It’s lessons, our participation, and It’s steadfast nature in conveying impressions of Truth through any avenue.  It is unavoidable.

For some of us,  It seems We have been struggling, consciously, longer than others.

Perhaps this is where competition really stems.  If there is an “end,” then most likely it is “Source.”  Why shouldn’t we rush, and push each other to get there? Like Spiritual Sperm finding the Etheric Egg. Most of Us are in for the long haul, but many of Us are reaching Our own thresholds in a way of in-explainable proportions.

The game is just an old rehash, kids. From every parallel and perpendicular; every story has been played out, far too many times…. EXCEPT,  the ones that include Ascended Masters.

No one gets tired of imagining themselves as some sort of Savior… meanwhile defaulting in  realities mind fuck, in such a way that it relies on some one else to take the proverbial reins and Save, what could be seen as a Sinking Spiritual Ship that is the Hopeless Human.

And that is what separates those who say “Fuck This,”  and mean it as a mantra of not giving up… and those who say the same words, with different tones, resonating in defeat and complete submission to the moment, with out regard to the end result which comes in it’s own way, unprovoked.

I, was a child, who never really liked just chatting about the weather… but I sure did enjoy talking about having control over it.  These are conversations of sages and the Future.  I am by no means calling myself a Sage.  But I will admit to being a voice of the Future, and Let me tell you; The Future is Now.

Sure, sure, sure… people have been saying that for a long time… but never in history (this time around) have We been able to reach such a critical mass of people, so quickly, who see through the bullshit; and know better than to wait on a Savior. THEY= YOU, know You have the ability to Save Yourself/ Us.   You/We are just waiting on the 100th Monkey to pick up the straw, and go with it.

I know at some point, We will get our 100th Monkey… and I will not give up hope.  Just as, in turn I will say;  The journey has been crazy and worth it… and I am here to endure it.  But at times I find We have neglected Our Own Divinity too long.  It’s time to hop on Our Own Soul Train… We have had time to reflect on our past, we have been given opportunities to endlessly rehash… But Now, a new sun on a new horizon, and it is calling Us.

No more fussing and fighting.  Time is calling for Re Uniting.  And we are the ones to live in the New Sun, We are the Ones who bring the blessings of Eternal Guiding.

When I say Fuck This… I honor where we have been… and I get it.

Do You?

When I say I want to move on, it is because my Soul says We Are Bound for SO Much MORE!

May you Master the Fuck Out of This Experience in order to be Confident in moving into the Next .

2 thoughts on “F*$K THIS! (may be considered full of foul language… but I say it’s context is right on)”

  1. my-oh-my! This was so necessary on this very day! Yesterday was the F!”#$%&/k OFF Day of this month! I mean: was I angry about me, life and circunstances altogether.
    Thanks for verbalizing in such a cultivated way, *giggle*
    Love & Light, Dorina, PAT


    1. Dorina,
      Thanks for expressing your resonant feelings. For the last couple of days I have been bogged down with a head cold.. the kind that makes you feel like you have a big balloon or pillow stuffed over your head. The type you wish you could just shake off in order to regain the ability to breathe and hear properly. I don’t know how many citrus I have eaten at this point just to help clear my head…The physical discomfort has catalyzed the feelings I expressed here. All the while life is still going on, and requiring our participation. It feels like meeting a critical mass of discomfort that I should be able to shoo away with a word. Just knowing I have more control over my body than I am permissible to use right now. I WANT MY PERMISSION SLIP! I know the feeling is mutual! Thanks for sharing all you share with the PAT~ I look forward to making more contact in the future.


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