Tag Archives: everyday life

Recent Musical Magic

Alessandro has again outdone any expectation I may have toward his Mastery of sound.

My part- at first appearance seems somewhat meaningless- just recording what would be overlooked as mundane sounds of normal life- at times with a little extra manipulation.  It doesn’t seem like a symphony.

It sounds like a person walking- or a train sitting at the station.  It sounds like wind in a microphone and the chime on the convenience store door.  It sounds like an audible story where the only context and relation happens synaptically- charging the heart by overlapping imagination and experience.   That is all I do.

Then, I send these files of sounds to Ale- and he embraces the sonic story in his vibratory flux.  He modulates and gives structure to my foundation. He weaves the fabric and smooths the edges.  All of a sudden- the story becomes rich, a new memory can be made, the synapses fire with a longing and a nostalgia- foreign and familiar.

Without further ado- here are our most recent collaborations.   Enjoy!  Please share!  (Best through headphones, and closed eyes- it is a sonic journey after all!)